bei {0}
Xi'an Lanshan Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Mehrfach spezialisierter Lieferant
Hauptprodukte:Pflanzen extrakte/kosmetische Rohstoffe, Lebensmittel zusatzstoffe
Years in industry(3)Cooperated suppliers (202)On-site material inspectionTesting instruments (8)
  • ≤2h
    Durchschnittliche Antwortzeit
  • 99.0%
    Rate für pünktliche Lieferungen
  • US $110,000+
    {0} Bestellungen
Kleine Anpassungen
Vollständige Anpassung
Testmaschine 8
Qualitäts rück verfolgbar keit
Alle verifizierten Kapazitäten ({capacitiesNum}) anzeigen
Bericht herunterladen
by SGS Group
Datum der Unternehmensanmeldung2021-06-03
Bodenfläche (㎡)99
Akzeptierte SprachenSpanish,English,French,Japanese
Jahre im Export3
Jahre in der Industrie3
ISO 9001MANAGEMENT00122Q33299R0...
Produkt ermöglicht die Rückverfolgbarkeit von RohstoffenYes
ProduktinspektionsmethodeInspection of all products
Gewerblicher Hintergrund
HauptmärkteNorth America(20%), Western Europe(20%), South America(10%)
HauptkundentypenRetailer, Engineer, Wholesaler, Brand business, Manufacturer
Anpassungsmöglichkeitenlight customization, sample processing, graphic processing, customized on demand, sample processing, graphic processing, customized on demand
Ausbildungsstufen für R&D-Ingenieure
Unternehmensbewertungen (35)
4.8 /5
  • Lieferanten-Service
  • Pünktlicher Versand
  • Produktqualität
Coco is really effecient and proactive with all of our orders. Thank you so much for always providing great service. Much appreciated

    Antwort des Lieferanten:

    Thank you for your recognition! I'm also happy to offer you my full support. I will insist on providing you with high-quality products and services. Looking forward to our long-term cooperation! Thanks again for your review!
    23 Apr 2024
    communicatoin excellnt delivery on time and prompt response, service 5 star quality as promised.

      Antwort des Lieferanten:

      Hello,friend, Geoffrey is very happy to be at your services. We have been cooperating with each other up to 2 years. You denote your trust to me,and give me a lot of chances to work together. I really treasure the friendship with you. Doing Business in foreign trade for me is a process of developing a good partnership and getting a lot of skills in communicating and learning foreign culture in this process. Best solution to international business is not only a two-win pursue in business but also a bridge to share feelings and thoughts between two cultures. We will have a better and better prospect if we can keep the value of cooperating and treasure the predestination that connect and develop us. Healthcare is one of the most attractive and welcomed topics in people's daily life,So we are fufiling a divine career;We are doing business for the sake of human beings. We will be very confident to get our business to be excellent! Best Wishes,my buddy.
      10 Apr 2024
      Alle Rezensionen anzeigen
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      Schmetterlings bohnen blume hat eine starke anti oxidative Wirkung. Schmetterlings bohnen blüten sind reich an Polyphenolen, wie Anthocyanin.
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      Es ist bekannt als einer der beliebtesten und effektive ernährungs ergänzungen und ist in der lebensmittel-und getränke, gesundheit pflege produkte, etc.
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